Thursday, January 14, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude

While listening to a Dave Ramsey podcast (yes, I am still hung up on Dave to my daughter's displeasure!), I heard him say that Zig Zigler tells his readers to make a list of things that they are grateful first thing in the morning to get their heads focused on the positive. I started a few days ago, and have set myself an appt at work for the rest of the month of January to make a little list every morning. (My goal is for it to become habit, & I won't need a silly appt to remind me!)

Anyway, I fill up the whole side of my desk flip calendar page before I do anything else. I tell ya, all of the petty little things that I have no control over have lost their control over me! For all of the problems the US has, we still live in a blessed nation. It is a crying shame that we take it for granted and focus on little meaningless details that don't even have a place in the big picture.

I am so ashamed that I get bogged down and bummed out about junk. I have a secured eternity, my health, my family, my job, my church family, food on my table, a roof over my head, clothes on my back and I could go on and on and on and on..... There are people who are really hurting - lost loved ones, fighting health issues/addiction, battling loneliness; etc. It is a slap in their face for me to focus time and energy on my inconveniences when they are going thru so much bigger trials. So I am proclaiming it - I AM BLESSED in big things, and (even better) in the smalled things in my life.

Want to join me in my "attitude of gratitude" project? It will definitely change your perspective!