Monday, September 21, 2009

Rain, rain - GO AWAY!

I was working on a blog post about how I am consumed w/ all of the "stuff" in my house and in my life, but that will have to be for another day - because today I am consumed w/ sadness, confusion, and blah from all of the rain that we have been getting. I've always felt compassion for those in other areas that deal w/ natural disasters, but it is much harder when it is people in your community, people you see in passing at the grocery store, people you work with, people that are your friends.

Yesterday morning, I dumped my rain gauge. We had 5 inches from Friday - Sunday. Last night around 8:00, I dumped another 1/2 inch or so. Then the flood gates opened, and it poured all night long. This morning at 5:00 - I dumped 5 1/2 inches, and there is already another 3 from just today. To say that we are water-logged would be an understatement!

I am so over this rain and all of the destruction that it has brought with it. Here in Carroll County, we have lost 3 toddlers to weather related incidents. It breaks my heart to know that these parents will not see their babies grow into sassy 8 1/2 year olds like mine. I know God is in control, but I really have to catch myself from asking why.

Bobby got called in @ 2:00 am this morning. They spent most of the morning rescuing people from their homes. Bobby was on a jet ski, and said it was no where near as fun as it is on a calm lake. Fortunately, they were able to get all of the ones they went after. Most were very gracious, except for one ornery old man who wanted to have a cup of coffee first!

Southwire was also hit - all of the Carrollton plants flooded and were w/o power for most of the day. The plant workers are already on short time, and now they have missed a couple of days. I hope it will all be over and cleaned up soon so those folks can get back to work.

All in all, we personally are good. A little bit of water in the basement, and a day off of school and work. J's out of school again tomorrow, but I will have to work.

Here's hoping for drier weather and happier days!

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